Its early. . . Jeff has to leave the house by shortly after 6 am to play keyboard for worship today. I often go with him, but today, I am going to get a jump on meal prep, watering, etc., before I head to church to join him.
Yesterday was overcast and much cooler, and even though the humidity was very high, it was comfortable to be outside. I took my time watering, harvesting and deadheading. My habit as I work with my plants is to be prayerful, listening, learning, and expressing praise and gratitude to God. He is always faithful to meet me there!
All through scripture, water is important. Christ/Holy Spirit is referred to as the Living Water, Moses obeyed God and the waters were parted, Christ calmed the Sea, the man at the pool of Bethesda knew that if he could get to the water, he would be healed, Christ turned the water to wine. . . so many references to water!
For plants, water is the most foundational need they have. I often hear it said that 'anyone can water plants'. It's true! Anyone that will take the time to learn how to 'read' what the plant needs, familiarize themselves with what makes that plant thrive, and consistently provide that to the plant can water! You have surely heard of talking to your plants, but what about listening? More accurately, observing?
We have all seen the signs of a plant without enough water. Yellow and brown leaves, withered blooms and fruit, total collapse, and eventual death. A wilted plant gives a very obvious signal that it needs water. However, there are signs that are visible long before the plant wilts. If attended to at this earlier stage, the plant will reward you with even more vibrant beauty! Most plants have leaves with a sheen or gloss to them. Not all leaves are shiny, but like healthy skin, they have a healthy glow when all is well. Pay attention to the leaves of a healthy plant. When a plant needs water, you will notice they begin to look "dull" and "flat"-- not yet wilted, but not healthy. Watering at this point will keep blooms and leaves from dropping!
BEST water tips for trees.
1) Take a clean 5 gallon bucket. Drill 2 or 3 very small holes in the bottom-- anywhere is fine.
2) Fill the bucket with clean water, and set it near the trunk of the tree.
3) Go about your business for a few hours.
4) Retrieve the empty bucket
5) For newly planted trees up to 2" calliper ( the diameter of the trunk) repeat twice weekly if no rain measuring 1" or greater.
6) For larger trees, place the bucket slightly farther away from the trunk, and fill twice per watering, relocating the bucket each time.
For my spirit, time in relationship with God is my water. His written word, prayer and meditation, taking time to listen for His voice, time to praise Him and worship from my heart. . . . those things are the water to my spirit! Without enough, I become dull, lifeless. I cannot bear fruit. My edgeds are no longer soft, but brittle and I wither away from what God has called me to. Are you staying spiritualy hydrated?